Educational premises: independent schools
Valuation of independent schools and colleges is a very niche and specialist area in the context of commercial property valuation. Valuation accuracy is highly dependent on the valuer’s knowledge and understanding of the operational characteristics of the sector, the independent schools market and analysis of business data, including trading accounts, the valuer’s appropriate analysis of fair maintainable operating profit (FMOP), and comparable evidence. The overview of the key areas for consideration during the valuation process includes sample valuations and identifies areas of risk that are inherent in valuations in this specialist sector.
This section focuses on educational establishments that cater for children and young people aged 5-18 years. Valuation of trading assets that cater for the Early Years Foundation Stage (children aged up to 5 years) can be found in Children’s day nurseries.
This section is maintained by Courteney Donaldson of Christie + Co.